Friday, March 3, 2017

.....According to His Purpose

Our Five Minute Friday prompt this week is—PURPOSE.  We simply write for 5 minutes on a prompt and see what is created!  I've enjoyed doing these quick writings.  If you would like to give it a try, check out the Facebook page or this blog:  Kate Motaung’s site


Purpose.  Romans 8:38 tells us that ALL THINGS work together for GOOD for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.  ALL THINGS.  Not just the happy, sweet moments of life, but the painful, gut-wrenching moments as well.  I've seen this over and over in my own life.
A small change of schedule resulting in a chance meeting to minister to another person, an opportunity denied, only to be presented with another that is more worthwhile.  Little things like this happen every day.  If I am looking, if I am aware, if I am TRUSTING that God has my back, then these "coincidences" of life are obviously God at work.
But it's not just in the little things that I've seen the hand of God....the purpose revealed.....
It's also in those things that are so life-changing that we will always know the day, the hour, where we were, who was with us, when it all went wrong. Not always easy to see the purpose there...but it is.
A job interview lost might give way to another opportunity yet to be revealed, a painful divorce transforming into a new life, the death of a son a path to reconciliation with my parents.
Yes, there IS a purpose.

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