Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Traditions....Fact or Fiction??

We assume that many of our American Thanksgiving traditions originated in 1620 when the Pilgrims celebrated Thanksgiving.  Not so!  Watch this video from Mental Floss to discover some common misconceptions!

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving everyone!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Christ is King!

Today is the Feast of Christ the King.  The closing of a liturgical year, with the anticipation of the beginning of a new one with Advent next weekend.  Christ's throne was not like the thrones of kings here on earth.  His throne was the cross.  The power of that cross still envelopes our hearts and minds over 2000 years later.  The power of love, forgiveness, peace, hope.  

Do I make Christ the KING in my own life?  Do I take the time to stop and consider if my actions are those that would honor Him?  As I live my life, and as we enter into this season of Advent next week, I hope to set aside purposeful time to consider these things, to pray about them, to put the POWER of the cross into action.

This song was written in 1982 by Wendy Crowther.  It's performed by Ingrid DuMosch and Scott Shallenberger.  It's very prayerful.  You can find more of Ingrid's music on Spotify as well.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

Petty Officer Sings 'God Bless America'

Retired Naval Petty Officer, 1st Class, Generald Wilson sings "God Bless America" during the seventh-inning stretch of Game 3 in the 2013 World Series.   What a beautiful voice, what a beautiful tribute!  Click the link below.

Petty Officer Sings 'God Bless America' |

A Day to Honor

Veterans Day is a special day around here.  Our local American Legion has a delegation that comes to school to share their experiences with our students.  Music is prepared and performed, poems are written and read - all in honor of those who have served our country.  We are proud to be Americans, and grateful for the service of our Veterans.  If you see a Veteran today or any other day, thank them for their service.  They willingly served, knowing that they may die in that service.  That's quite a commitment to make - to die for our fellow man.  Thank you Veterans for all you have done to preserve our way of life.

To see photos from our celebration today, click HERE! 

This year, we chose the song "Armed Forces - The Pride of America!" as our selection.  The students enjoyed learning about each branch's song and the story behind TAPS.  Here's a video of the selection, played by the SWAU Wind Symphony.

"The Caisson Song" by Edmond L. Gruber (Army)
"The Marine's Hymn" Words by Henry C. Davis, music traditional (Marines)
"Anchors Away" by Capt. Alfred H. Miiles and Charles Zimmerman (Navy)
"Always Ready" by Captain Francis Saltus Van Boskerck (Coast Guard)
"The US Airforce" by Robert Crawford (Air Force)
"The Star-Spangled Banner" words by Francis Scott Key, music by John Stafford Smith 

And another version, with the lyrics sung for the songs.  By Portland Ensign Choir and Orchestra

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Let All the Nations Be Blessed!

Take some time today to simply praise God for being God.  His Spirit is here and now, in us, through us, around us.  Feel His Spirit at work in your own life!

People from 19 locations around the world came together to create this video.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What's a Parody?

In music this week, we've been learning about musical Parody.
  Musical parodies may imitate or refer to the peculiar style of a composer or artist, or even a general style of music. For example, The Ritz Roll and Rock, a song and dance number performed by Fred Astaire in the movie Silk Stockings, parodies the Rock and Roll genre. (Wikipedia)

Musical parodies are found all over YouTube these days!  We enjoyed a "farmer" theme this week and listened to the two parodies below.  I can see that creating some parodies of our own is written in the future....Enjoy!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy All Saints Day!

What is a saint?  Is a saint a PERFECT person?  Someone who has never faltered?  Someone who always knows the right answer, who always makes the right choices?  I don't think so.  For me, a saint is a person who strives toward living their life for God in all that they do.  Not perfect, not sinless, not without struggles.  We are all called to be saints!  There are the famous saints we all know about, St. Francis, St. Joseph, St. Mary, a long long list.  These particular people made a specific impact on history, and are for us an example, a goal to look towards when living our life. 
According to Wikipedia, "saint is one who has been recognized for having an exceptional degree of holiness, sanctity, and virtue. "  Do I recognize the saints around me in my own life?  In my life, so many of my friends are saints.  They are there for me when I need guidance or safe refuge. Especially dear to me right now are the doctors,nurses and staff who work with cancer patients.  They truly are saints to each of those patients and their families.  Bringing comfort, consolation, peace, hope to those who are ill, fearful, grief-stricken, hopeless.  
Who are the saints in your life?  A person doesn't have to be famous to be a saint, only someone who longs to do the will of God.  Their life shows it.  We are ALL called to be saints. 
St. Francis of Assisi gives us a pretty good recipe for living in his famous "Prayer of St. Francis".  The video below is from a DVD entitled, "The Irish Prayers"  I love the instrumentation and reflective mood.  I hope you enjoy it also!