Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy 10th Birthday iPod!

The iPod is 10 years old today! Read more about the changes that have taken place over the years HERE!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Black HIlls Photo Shoot Out

See some beautiful pics of our Black Hills here.
These are photos from last year's shoot out, this year's event is in a couple of weeks.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Edvard Grieg

We are listening to "In The Hall Of The Mountain King" by Edvard Grieg in 2nd and 3rd grades. The students are creating movements to reflect the music as it is played. For more information and activities, go to

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Black Hills Symphony Fun Run

A group of us from Martin went to Rapid City yesterday to participate in this Fun Run. It was a hot day, but beautiful out! Our group even took home the corporate trophy for Bennett County Schools!!! Here are some pics:
Black Hills Symphony Fun Run

MUSIC is important!

Music is an integral part of our lives. The development of our musical abilities has ramifications on many parts of our well-being, intellect, and spirituality. Support music education in your schools!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

TAGXEDO...a cool way to make a word cloud

Tagxedo makes it very easy to customize the design of your word clouds. You can select from a variety of shapes in which to display words or you can design your shape for your word cloud. You can enter text into the word cloud generator manually or simply enter a url from which Tagxedo will generate a word cloud. As with other word cloud generators you also have options for excluding words from your word clouds. Here's a tagxedo that I made using the text found on this blog!! Pretty cool.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Practicing Typing Skills

Here's a good site students can go to for practicing their typing skills at home!

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Cat Came Back!!

This is one of the kids' favorite songs at school! We are hoping to perform it in October!

Black Hills Symphony Fun Run

A group of us from Martin went to Rapid City yesterday to participate in this Fun Run. It was a hot day, but beautiful out! Our group even took home the corporate trophy for Bennett County Schools!!! Here are some pics:

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Loving and Forgiving Are YOU O GOD!

This weekend's Psalm at Mass brought this song to mind for me. One of my most favorites! I've also been reading Corrie Ten Boom's book The Hiding Place....what a testament to the power of forgiveness even in the most horrible of human conditions.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday's Fab Fam

You know, I LOVE to go home after work. I LOVE to see my husband, hear about his day, and be with him. I LOVE to pick up a grandchild after school and hang out for awhile. I LOVE to get phone calls from kids who are living far away. I LOVE to receive and email or facebook posting from one of the kids or grandkids. Family is everything to me! I love you family!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


In honor of those who lost their lives almost 10 years ago now on 9-11-01....

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Some Important Keyboarding Tips

A significant part of technology class is increasing our speed and accuracy at the computer keyboard. There are several things we all need to remember:

Sit up Straight with both feet on the floor in front of your chair.

Center the body to the "h" key with elbows at sides.

Use correct fingering — Always keep your fingers near the home row keys (asdf jkl;).

Keep wrists straight and don't rest your wrists on the table.

Curve your fingers and tap the keys quickly as if the keys were hot. Don’t mash the keys. All movement should be in the fingers.

Keep your eyes on the screen or printed page. Don't watch your fingers!

Try to keep a reasonable rhythm. As you eliminate your pauses your speed will increase.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Musical Monday....Let's Keep the Beat!

Kindergarten and First Graders are talking about THE BEAT! The BEAT is so SWEET! We can all feel the beat in our bodies...our pulse! It's steady, it keeps going...and going...and going! We talked about places in our lives that we can hear a steady beat such as a ticking clock or a dripping faucet. We can keep the pulse, or the beat on by tapping parts of our bodies as we listen to music. We can also use musical instruments to keep the beat.

Then there is something called RHYTHM. Rhythm is a combination of long and short sounds and silences. Rhythm is "the way the words go." The rhythm of a piece of music is not usually the same for the whole piece. It changes, it is what makes music interesting! The rhythm of the music is what makes you want to get up and dance!! We can show the rhythm in the same kinds of ways that we show the beat...with our bodies and with instruments.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

It Is Well With My Soul

Singing It Is Well With My Soul, this is Daves Highway continuing to sing for the Lord. These three have voices that blend sooo sweet harmony as they Praise God! Take a listen here:

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Walked a 5K in Kadoka this morning...

It was a beautiful morning this morning, a bit windy, but nice. We had a great time walking and spending time with friends! Here's a peek at who went:

Friday, September 2, 2011

My Fab Husband, Jerry

This is one of my most favorite pics this year...Jerry and I in the sunflower field...might be a potential Christmas card!