Friday, March 8, 2013

The growing Phenomenon of the INTERNET!

How has technology changed your life in the past 20 years?  Think about the things that many of use daily - a cell phone, an ipad, tablet, or computer, Blue Ray, Bluetooth...the list goes on and on.  Much of my shopping is done online, from Christmas gifts to toilet paper.  If I have a question about ANYTHING, the first place I will research is the Internet.

Technology classes are now MUCH more than what I experienced in school as office skills classes...keyboarding, running an adding machine, stenography!  Now, we include things like how to find reliable online information, blogging, good online manners, cyberbulling, online presentations, video and photo editing, iPad skills to only name a few of the ever evolving forms of technology that are in use today.

As with anything new, technology, i.e. the Internet, has not always been seen in a favorable light!  Fears of losing our writing skills or becoming a generation of people who cannot connect to another person unless it's via text or Face Book are common.  What's your experience?  Has the internet made you MORE social, EXPANDED your circle of friends, acquaintances, and colleagues?  Or have you become a techie hermit, only separating yourself from your laptop when absolutely necessary?

Here is a first news report about the Internet from CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Prime Time News.  "It's a REVOLUTION!"

First Report On The Internet - CBC Prime Time News from Ivan Riol on Vimeo.

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