Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Lord's Prayer/Ave Maria

A video by Bill & Gloria Gaither performing a medley of Ave Maria / The Lord's Prayer.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Are you Mary or Martha?

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. – Mt 6:33

Today's Gospel reading is the familiar story of Mary and Martha.  I have often thought about my own life, and who I identify with more.  For sure, it's Martha!  I am a DO-er!  I find it hard to even do one thing at a time!  For quite awhile now, I have been conscious of my priorities, and have made an effort to be more like sister Mary.  I am still a DO-er, no doubt.  I have taken time, though, as part of my daily routine, to sit quietly, read Scripture, pray.

In school, it's easy to have an agenda for class time.  There is always lots to get done.  One of my goals is to remember to focus not on the activity, but on the STUDENT.  Taking time to listen, really listen, to a student, or another adult, can only strengthen a relationship.

Another area that I am conscious of is when we have friends and family over for a gathering.  Of course, there is always lots to do when there's a crowd around.  I'm not sure if I'm very good at it, but I DO try to sit, listen, visit, and not worry about the dishes or the mess.  I can take care of that after people have gone for me this is a big deal!  I am one who likes to clean things up and have them in their place!  I'm far from perfect in trying to be more like Mary...but I'm trying!

Contemplate who you are most like, as you reflect with this video by  Elizabeth Etheridge:

Friday, July 19, 2013


Coca-Cola has a pretty cool new ad campaign...what first drew me there was THIS VIDEO. where Kurt Hugo Schneider made back-up music using coke cans, bottles etc.  Pretty cool!


  After you've listed to this cool piece, go to "menu" at the bottom, and on each letter of AHHHHHHHH you will find games,videos and even the Coke version of the Can Can!  Cats in Boxes is pretty cute too!  30 different things to check out.  This was created by ad agency Wieden + Kennedy Portland. (check out their site too, some interesting things there!)   Coke actually has 61 different url's that are some kind of version of AHHHHH, their new slogan.

The site is aimed at teens, so these little snippets are short and sweet.  Every two weeks the company will review the traffic for each URL, and replace those that don't receive many visitors.  I'm not a big fan of Coke, but this site will occupy your time for awhile!  

Also, check out Kurt's cover of CUPS for Pitch Perfect! He also has a YouTube Channel that you can subscribe to.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

My Hands

"My hands are the Lord's hands; with out me how can His work be done? I will reach where He would reach, loving kindness in my touch. I'll be His healing hands to ev'ry one."

Monday, July 8, 2013

Titanic Violin Found

In the deep recesses of an attic in England, a special musical treasure has been found.  It has been verified, using CT scan, that it is the violin played by Wallace Harley, the bandmaster of the famed Titanic.  One of the most touching moments remembered in the movie is of the ship's band playing "Nearer My God To Thee" to calm the passengers as the ship sank.  What courage those musicians had!  

The violin is not playable any more since it was submerged in salt water.  Harley had placed the violin in its case and strapped it to his body.  It was presented to his fiance' Maria after his body was recovered.  She had given it to him on the occasion of their engagement.  The instrument had been passed down in the family over the years.

Read more and see more photos in this article by Huffington Post.

Titanic Violin Confirmed Authentic By CT Scan; Instrument Belonged To Bandmaster Wallace Hartley